Abstract submission deadline postponed to June 13, 2014

Dear All,


The Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia and the School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University




Government of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior and Slovene Police,

ACUNS - The Academic Council on the United Nations Systems,

the College of Justice and Safety, Eastern Kentucky University, USA,

the Department of Criminology, Leicester University, the United Kingdom,

the GERN European Group of Research into Norms, Guyancourt, France,

the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia and

Transcrime - The Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan and the University of Trento, Italy


are pleased to announce


The 10th Biennial International Conference

Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe:

Professionalism, Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice


to be held at the


Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security,

University of Maribor,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15-17, 2014.






The primary goal of the conference is to exchange views, concepts, and research findings among scientists, researchers, and practitioners in the broad area of criminal justice studies on development of police practice and research on professionalism, trust and legitimacy in policing and criminal justice. The conference will highlight new ideas, theories, methods, and findings on a wide range of academic and applied areas relating to policing and related social control issues.

Examples of the topics we expect to explore include:

·         Police and Policing

·         Trust and legitimacy in policing and criminal justice

·         Provision of Safety and Security

·         Crime Prevention

·         Criminal Investigation

·         Courts

·         Juvenile Justice


Information on the conference, including call for papers, guidelines for submission, possibility of publishing, and registration is available on a website


Publication of Conference Papers

Depending on the number and quality of papers presented at the conference Programme chairs are offering publication of papers in the following outlets (after a peer review):

The abstract submission deadline is now postponed to June 13, 2014.


We are looking forward to your participation.


Sincerely yours,


Gorazd Meško,

Programme Committee Chair

Bojan Dobovšek,

Organising Committee Chair

Aleš Bučar Ručman,


Conference Secretary